+8802589924917 | +8801511334466 pollisree@yahoo.com
Samsun Nahar 01786729251 Birol, Dinajpur

Economic Empowerment, Livelihood & Food Security

  • Types of Program
: Right base Approach
  • Registration
: --
  • Network
: --
  • Donor
: European Union, NETZ Bangladesh & Bread For the World
  • Program Aim
: Enhance civil society organizations contributions to institutionalization of democratic governance and accountability in Bangladesh.
  • Program Budget
: --
  • Program Area
: Upazila-Birol, Union- Dharmopur, Palasbari, Ranipukur&Shahargram. Upazila-Kaharol, Union – Rasulpur, Targaon, Sundurpur&Mukundopur.


This Project significantly contributes to the achievement of priority area of this CSOs in their efforts to strengthen democratic governance, to promote transparency and accountability of decision-making, policy implementation and delivery of justice as well as the empowerment of the stakeholders concerned. The action pays particular attention to the inclusions and the rights of the most vulnerable groups.

With its comprehensive approach combining awareness raising, capacity building, facilitation of democratic dialogue, research and advocacy measures, the action is designed to enhance CSOs’ active role in democratic governance and accountability processes with public authorities. More specifically, the target group will increase its capacity, operational competencies, space and readiness to act as monitors, advocates and partners in policy dialogue and to provide information and expertise to foster transparency and participation. Specific focus is given to enhance the inclusion of vulnerable groups in CSOs as well as in governance and accountability processes with LAs. The action puts emphasis on effective partnership and creative forms of democratic dialogue between CSOs and public authorities. To achieve these objectives, it interlinks CSOs on local, regional and national level for advocacy on improving the quality and effectiveness of public policies and fair management of public resources. The cooperation with the Bangladesh Forum Germany (see associates) backs these efforts from international level. 

The empowerment of all stakeholders concerned, in particular members of vulnerable groups as civil society (CS) actors, as well as CSOs and public authorities from local to national level, is at the centre of the action’s design. At local and regional level, it concentrates on conflict-prone regions with high rates of discrimination against vulnerable groups and malfunctioning cooperation mechanisms between CSOs and LAs. The Pollisree focus on effective inclusion of marginalised groups in CSOs, notably ultra-poor women and people belonging to religious and indigenous minorities, for participatory decisionmaking and joint actions. Based on the concrete experiences on local and regional level, the co-applicants contribute in cooperation with the national CSO platform on democratic dialogue and the applicant NETZ to reformation of discriminatory policies and laws. In particular they advocate for improved application of the insufficiently executed Right to Information (RTI) Act. The RTI Act is utilised to strengthen democratic governance by making LAs and other authorities accountable, to prevent corruption and to secure land entitlements for vulnerable groups.