+8802589924917 | +8801511334466 pollisree@yahoo.com

Local Initiative for Ending Violence Against Women.......

Name: Suraiya Akhter, Project Coordinator Telephone: 0531-65917 Ext -112 Mobile: 01713-491028 Email: suraiyapolli@yahoo.com Location: Pollisree, Balubari, Dinajpur

To reduce all violence against women, to reduce gender discrimination from family and to change of behavior & attitude on this issue “family work is all member of family’s work” for increase involvement of male in the family work, to highlight women leadership, to increase the rate women participation & involvement in the economic activities, to make alliance among women young people, to active the community people for protect and stopped early marriage and dowry from family and society, to increase awareness on prevalent law, to bring a change of unaccepted behavior & attitude of government service providers, to organize shalish meting with counseling for survivors, to increase dignity & recognition of women contribution in their family and to support for build up violence against women free model village. Project finished on 2018 more

Creating Spaces to take Action on Violence against Women (CS).......

Name: Rawnak Ara Haque  Location: Taraganj, Rangpur

The proposed five-year program (2015-2020) will reduce violence against women and girls, including: the prevalence of early and forced marriage, through coordinated prevention and response initiatives that will directly reach 245,000 women and girls in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan and Philippines. Violence against women in many countries throughout Asia is rising rapidly and taking a huge toll on families, economies and productivity. The widespread prevalence of violence against women and girls is particularly acute when it comes to: domestic violence and marital rape; child, early and forced marriages; and trafficking in women and girls. Despite considerable progress in establishing policies and programs, implementation of these has been slow. The slow pace of change is largely the result of deeply entrenched cultural values, attitudes and practices that are rooted in gender stereotypes and discrimination that perpetuate exploitation and violence against women and girls. The proposed program builds on compelling global evidence on combating violence against women and girls: the most effective strategies engage a broad range of social actors, as well as institutional and political leaders, in efforts to reduce the social acceptance of gender-based violence and related practices. Program outcomes will be threefold: 1) the active engagement of community leaders (including religious, private sector, and political leaders) and youth (both girls and boys) in advancing women’s rights, women’s leadership and the elimination of violence against women and girls by building the capacity of these actors to change their attitudes, norms and behaviours, and to strengthen standards, legislation, and regulations. The program will also: 2) ensure that women and girls who have been affected by violence and child, early and forced marriage are able to ensure their long-term well-being by accessing support services, such as safe spaces (shelters), and psycho-social support, as well as economic opportunities that allow them to thrive free of violence. Finally, Oxfam will leverage its global, national and regional capacity to: 3) support strategic linkages, national and regional alliances and innovative knowledge and accountability systems that advance the rights of women and girls. Project finished on 2022 more

Initiatives for Married Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment (IMAGE Plus).......

Name: Motia Begum Mukty Mobile: +8801719749346 Location: Sangalshi, Sadar, Nilphamari

Pollisree implement the IMAGE project worked in Sangolshi union under Nilphamari Sadar Upazila and Botlagari union under Saidpur Upazila of Nilphamari district from December’2014 reduced circumstance of early married adolescent girls through sexual and reproductive health and their rights, education, livelihoods, nutrition, and protection against domestic violence issue. Project finished on 2020 more

Secured Women and Girls rights through creating spaces........

Name: Taibatun Nehar  Location: Kanial khata, municipality area, Sadar, Nilphamari.
